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Armored Division
(Page 3 - Division Artillery)
Looking for more information from military/civilian
personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army
in Germany from 1945 to 1989. If you have any
stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me .
4th Armored Division
Artillery |

Crests of the 4th Armored Division Artillery units, 1960 |

Honest John launcher of "A" Battery during an open house held at Ferris Bks in 1967 (Weldon Ballard) |

Additional DivArty equipment (M-109 and M-110 on far right) at the open house (Weldon Ballard) |
1960 |
(Source: Artillery Handbook, US Army Infantry School, 1960) |

Armd Div Arty, 1960
2nd How Bn (105mm)(SP), 14th Arty |
Fürth |
1st How Bn (105mm)(SP), 22nd Arty |
Zirndorf |
2nd How Bn (105mm)(SP), 78th Arty |
Crailsheim |
2nd FA Bn (Rkt/How), 16th Arty |
Schwäbisch Gmünd |
A Btry -- 155mm How
B Btry -- 155mm How
C Btry -- 8in How
D Btry -- Honest John |
DivArty ROAD Changes (1963) |
1963 |
(Source: Email from David D. Caveny) |
I was a Radio-Teletype operator with the 4th Armd Div. I arrived at Cooke Barracks about 17 Oct 1963 as a private E-2 and was assigned to DivArty in Furth but detatched to the G-3 Air at HQ and HQ Company 4AD in Goeppingen.
Our Division commander was Maj Gen John M Franklin Jr who was a martinet. He was replaced by Maj Gen Searle who was a soldier's General and one hell of a commander, not at all like Franklin.
Later those of US who provided signal support to the G-3 Air and the ALO and ran Corps Command Net One were transfered to Company A, 144th Signal Bn at Cooke Barracks. That moved entailed moving from HQ Co 4AD to Co A 144th Sig Bn 3 barracks toward the front gate.
I made SGT E-5 in January 1966. Those were the days of 4 DM/ $1.00 and gemuetlichkeit!
On 6 Jun 1966 I was transferred from Germany in the LBJ buildup of troops for Vietnam and was assigned to 587th Signal Company (Spt) at Fort Irwin CA. We then were sent to Cu Chi Vietnam to support the 25th Infantry |
. |
1967 |
(Source: USAREUR STATION LIST, 30 June 1967) |
Hq/Hqs Battery |
Pinder Bks, Zirndorf |
2nd How Bn, 14th Arty (1) |
Monteith Bks, Fürth |
2nd Rkt Bn, 16th Arty (3) |
Pinder Bks, Zirndorf |
1st How Bn, 22nd Arty (1) |
Pinder Bks, Zirndorf |
2nd How Bn, 78th Arty (1) |
Warner Bks, Bamberg |
1st How Bn, 94th Arty (2) |
W.O. Darby Ksn, Fürth |
(1) 155mm SP |
(2) 155mm / 8in SP |
(3) Honest John |
(Source: STARS & STRIPES, March 11, 1970)
2nd Bn, 14th Arty stationed at Merrell Barracks at this time? |
Division Artillery Units |
HHB, Divarty
14th AFA Bn
16th AFA Bn
22nd AFA Bn
78th AFA Bn
2nd Bn, 14th Arty
2nd Bn, 16th Arty
1st Bn, 22nd Arty
2nd Bn, 78th Arty
1st Bn, 94th Arty |
2nd Battalion, 14th Artillery |
2nd Bn, 14th Artillery DUI |
1960 |
(Source: Charles "Charlie" Brown, "C" Btry, 2nd Bn, 14th FA, 1960-63) |
I was looking at your website, and find no mention of 2nd Howitzer Bn SP, 14th Artillery, 4th Armored Div., Monteith Barracks, Fuerth, Germany. It was there I know from 1958- 1966.
I was with "C" Battery, 14th Artillery from Nov 1960 - March 1963. Our barracks were around the corner from the # 1 Hanger you have identified in your aerial photo on the Fürth Army Airfield Page.
In that hanger was a USO club on one end, a gymnasium in the center and a "snack bar" on the other end.
I think I have that correct. I remember when I had about 5 days left before I shipped out back to the States, walking in the gym and there was a basketball game that nite. Everyone that was there in my battery stood up and said "how many days, shortimer"? It hit me then, I was going to miss those guys, but I was not going to miss the trips to Graf and them damn alerts!
I have identified in the above photo of Monteith what I remember as the 14th Artillery Battery locations:
 "MH" was the mess hall for A & C Batteries. (I don’t remember where the mess hall was for B & SVC Batteries.)
 Also identified is BN Hdqtrs for the 14th, the football field, which also served as a parade field if needed.
 The hangar where the gym, snack bar, & the USO were located.
 And the barracks of the subordinate batteries: "A", "B", "C" , and "SVC" As for the 14th mission, we were part of the 4th Armd Div, with the 67th Armor Battalion, 4th Armd Div being there at Monteith also. I do remember occasionally doing some border patrol along the Czech border. We also said “if the ballon ever goes up, It’s us they get first”. We knew if there was a conflict there was probably never any way we would survive as we were the first line of defense.
That was a long time ago and a lot has certainly changed since then. I was there when the wall went up in Berlin in 1961 and I was there during the Cuban Missile Crisis in late 1962. Things were kind of “on edge" during both of those incidents. Hope this helps you in your project. |
2nd Battalion, 16th Artillery |

Annotated map for Bismarck Kaserne, Schwäbisch Gmünd, around 1963
(Click on map to view higher resolution map) |
2nd Bn, 16th Artillery DI |
1962 |
(Source: Email from George Baker, 2nd Bn, 16th FA then 1st Bn, 94th FA, 1962-1965) |
I was stationed at Bismarck Kaserne, Schwäbisch Gmünd from October 1962 until March 1965 with the artillery units stationed there with the 4th AD.
When I arrived in October 1962, the unit assigned there was the 2nd Battalion, 16th FA. It had 3 batteries (A, B & C) of SP 155 guns (M44) and one battery (D) of SP 8” guns (M55). I was assigned to D Battery.
Sometime in 1963 the 16th was deactivated and we were reactivated as the 1st Battalion 94th FA.
At about the same time we received the M110 SP 8” guns and the 155 batteries were re-equipped with the M109.
The Pershing Unit was stationed at Hardt Kaserne while I was there |
1963 |
(Source: Email from Larry W. McLerran) |
I have been meaning to send you the information on a small part of history of this unit, but have finally got together a chronological account of its time at Pinder Barracks, Zirndorf, Germany. This is according to the USAREUR Origination Records (Active Army Units, Station List) from the period.
Your information on the website in the 4th Armored Division Records lists the unit at Schwab Gmuend, which it was until March of 1963. The unit consisted of Batteries, A,B,C,D,HH & SV (16 FA BN 2nd RKT HOW) Area Code 52 (= Southern Area Command), APO 326.
The website does not include the years the unit spent at PINDER Barracks. This is a period of 8 years, from its formation, until its move to Merrell Barracks and ultimate deactivation.
I was assigned to 1st BN 41st FA Missile, Kitzingen Area 51 (= Northern Area Command) APO 36, June 2, 1963, after arriving on the USNS Upshur, Bremerhaven, Germany, May 29, 1963. Upon arriving in Kitzingen and reporting, I was advised by a Captain, to return on June 3rd, because orders needed to be cut for my reassignment, due to the fact the 41st was rotating back to the States and all personnel with more than six months to ETS, would be assigned to other units. The rotation of the 41st is not covered in your website. It was not a Gyroscope move, but a deactivation, upon rotation. My orders were to join the group of 41st personnel moving to Pinder Barracks to form the 16th Arty? Since the 1/41st was an Honest John unit, we would take all equipment from the 41st to form the unit at Pinder Barracks.
So, when we arrived at Pinder, we were assigned the section of barracks in front of the AMMO Dump, facing the Parade Field, between HQ 4th Armored Division Artillery (the Post Host) and HQ 1st Battalion 22nd Artillery (SP105's). Our billet had been vacated by Units of the 22nd Artillery, to make room for the 16th.
From what I can tell from your website and USAREUR Records, the 16 FA BN 2nd RKT HOW, Schwab GD, no longer existed after the Station List of March 1963, or the 1st 41st Missile, at Kitzingen. The Station Records of December 1963 reflect the 16th FA BN 2nd MSL, Batteries HQ, A & B, at Pinder Barracks, after that date.
I was assigned to HQ Battery, first floor and Batteries A and B were on floor 2 & 3. The basement housed Rifle Storage and S4. The Unit was assigned the Motor pool section by the Mess hall and Dispensary, with the Comm.. Section by the Mess hall. We were the FIRST soldiers to occupy Pinder with the 16th Arty Crest. All Launchers and support equipment were parked in the Motor pool Square. I do not remember if sections of the Unit at Schwab GD were assigned to us, and I don't remember any equipment or personnel joining us from that location?
I was stationed at Pinder from June of 1963 until August of 1965. The Unit spent a lot of time in the field, mostly at Grafenwoehr. I was a Radio Teletype Operator MOS 053.20 and I spent time TDY at the Comm. Center at 4th Armored Arty. I also attended the 4th Armored NCO Academy at New Ulm.
The Station List of December 1969 shows the 14 FA BN 2nd 155MM SP HQ,A,B,C,SVC at Merrell Barracks, Nurnberg and the 16 FA BN 2nd, HH,A,B at Pinder Barracks, Zirndorf.
The Station List of September 1970 shows the 14 FA BN 2nd 155MM SP HQ,A,B,C,SVC at Pinder Barracks, Zirndorf and the 16 FA BN 2nd, HH,A,B at Merrell Barracks, Nurnberg. (A swap)
The Station List of July 1973 Show the 17 FA BN 3rd SP, HQ,A,B,C,SVC at Merrell Barracks, Nurnberg and NO listing for the 16th FA after that date.
This follows your website information on the deactivation of the 16th FA in March of 1973. Many Honest John Units were retired and some Units were re-equipped and converted to the LANCE (missile system). Thus reducing the Station List.
Pinder Barracks over the span of years, like all kaserns, has had many units assigned. This was the norm for the Army as it positioned itself to defend Western Europe during the Cold War.
You have spent an amazing amount of time to reconstruct this period, so it is up to some of us who visit the Site to help supply information on that time. I have always been puzzled by the fact that few personnel form that 8 year period at Pinder respond to their time at the 16th Arty. Maybe its a vacuum between the pre-computer years of the Cold War and the present, or could it be that we were not as important as other Units stationed there? Maybe the numbers have thinned to the point where there is no one left to remember, sad?
Some of the Officers, NCO's and Enlisted:
LTC. Helgrin - BN CO
Maj. Skidmore - XO
Cpt. Milsak - HQ
Cpt. DeWeese - HQ
Cpt. Wendt - B Bt.
Lt. Howard - B Bt.
Lt. Pollard - HQ
Lt. Keith - A Bt.
Lt. Isley - A Bt.
Mr. Walls - Maint
1st. Sgt. Winger - B Bt.
SFC Mays - S4
SFC Kenji - Survey
SFC White - Comm
SSG Baker - Comm
SSG Lawson - Maint
SSG Pruitt - Survey
Sgt. Bloom - B Bt.
Sgt. Gault - Cook
SP4 Tamm - S4
SP4 Waddell - S4
SP4 Heisey - Maint
SP4 Fife - Maint
SP4 Roman - Mailroom
SP4 Steves (Rod) - B Bt. Survey
Hope this helps to add to the site and clear up the picture on part of the 16th Arty's Mission in Europe, during the Cold War!
"MACTE NOVA VIRTUTE" (Go Forth With New Strength)
CMSgt Larry W McLerran (Ret)
Here is a note to clarify a portion of the website, I gave you some years ago.
On the 4th Armored Division Arty Info (page 2) you posted my info on the 2nd 16th Arty section of the 4th Armored Artillery. If you read the statements, I say, “I didn’t know if any personnel or equipment was assigned to us from the original Unit posted in Schwabisch Gmund”, in June, 1963. Upon deactivation of that unit, HJ Unit personnel and equipment from SG were assigned to us at Pinder to form “B Battery”. “A Battery” was formed from the personnel from the HJ Unit sent from the 1st Battalion 41st Artillery, at Kissingen. Also, the Command Structure and personnel of HQ, Maintenance and the Supply were from the 41st.
I don’t have any information of the dispursement of the 105mm, 155mm, or 8in Arty pieces that SG had on deactivation, but it was probably reassigned to other units with that TO&E, or used to form another Unit? Check Station List December 1963.
I verified the info from SP4 Carl Heisey, from Maintenance, in the 2nd 16th Arty. I just wanted to get the record straight, while I was thinking about it! Thanks for your website, it sure is great to be able to access it and bring back the memories.
My wife and I returned to Nurnberg, Furth and Zirndorf in 2010. Things have sure changed and much is gone, as I remember it. Some is still recognizable, like “Bubs Café” (Gasthaus) in Zirndorf and still owned by the same family, but Pinder Barracks, is now “Pinder Park”, a housing development.
Any other NEW info about Pinder would be appreciated, if you get it. Keep up the good work. |
Related Links:
Armored Division Yearbook 1958 - the entire book (200 pages)
is posted in the 2nd Bn, 5th FA Wiley Bks website. |